
Our mission to cross country skiers, snowshoers, and backcountry snowboarders is twofold:

  1. Training Series. We provide an instructional series in winter camping skills, both in a classroom setting (one Saturday in January) and in two week-end field trips. We also offer additional dedicated youth groups and a special group for families interested in sharing this winter experience with their children..
  2. Scheduled Alumni Trips. We offer weekend (and longer) scheduled trips of various difficulty, under our experienced leadership, for those who have completed our training series.


Steering Committee

Chair: Tim Surber
Vice Chair: Robert Schuur
Treasurer: Tim Surber
Secretary: Tim Surber
Alumni: Mike Bandrowski
Material Rewards: Brian Tavares
Applications: Molly Rose
At large Nathan Chan
At large Marcos Pinheiro


Orientation Day Chair: Tim Surber
Alumni Trips: Robert Schuur and Michael Bandrowski
IT Chair: Kalle Hoffman



Material Rewards Coordinator: Brian Tavares
Promotions Coordinator: Open
Database Coordinator: Molly Rose
Website Coordinators: Mark Spiller and Kalle Hoffman
Equipment Coordinator: Tim Surber
Student Manual Coordinator: Marilyn Smulyan
Medical and Wilderness First Aid Coordinator: Terrie Arnold