Sierra Club San Francisco Bay Chapter Snowcamping Section - Training Application
This page is for Training Series applicants - please click here for Alumni Applications. Please review the posted policies and requirements for your selected trips (training series info ) before completing this application - these pages explain our fee structure, policies, trip dates, and generally what to expect. By submitting this application you are acknowledging that you have read the refund policy (training series refund policy).

Please answer all questions for each applicant, and submit a separate application for each participant. We strongly prefer you use our online application, but if this is an issue please contact us at

Please note: all applicants should have previous backpacking experience! - it's generally easier to pick up snowcamping when you are already versed in the gear and techniques of 3-season backpacking. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us about this at the above email address.

Payment may be made online using a credit card, Paypal account or by mailing us a check. Directions for payment will be provided upon submitting your application.

The following are the fees:

Trip Type Sierra Club Member Non-Member
Training (early-bird)
(postmarked on or before 2024-11-30)
$130 $140
Training (normal)
(received by December 14, 2024 (5pm))
$145 $155
Per child
(Family group only)
$20 $20
Per Youth
(Youth group only)
$50 $50
(except where noted on certain trips)
$35 per trip $35 per trip

A limited number of scholarships are available. A scholarship application can be found at the end of this form.

For the "Early Bird" enrollment, please make sure your payment is processed by PayPal or postmarked on or before 2024-11-30. You can pay using paypal (the instructions and amount will be on the next page) or by sending a check payable to the Sierra Club Snowcamping Training Series to:

Please contact us for mailing address.

Please indicate your status: Training Series Student
Returning participant
First Name
Last Name
Home Phone: --
Work Phone: --
Cell Phone: --
How did you find us?
(Please let us know how you heard about us
If you select "Other" please fill in below)
Are you a Sierra Club Member?: Yes No
Sierra Club Member#: (REQUIRED if you entered "yes" above. If you just joined, enter "new" )
Year completed the course: (Alumni only)
Who led the group: (Alumni only)
Would you be willing to drive? Yes No
Number of passengers you can take?
Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact Number: --
Applying with: (Are you taking the course with a friend(s)
and wish to be in the same group? If yes, give
us their names. Students wanting to be in the same
group must submit their applications individually. Being
in the same group cannot be guaranteed.)
Sign me up for the Snow
Camping News email list!
Yes No This email list distributes only a few emails per season
(no spam!) aimed to keep you informed of relevant snow camping
related news and new Alumni* snow camping trip offerings. You
may self-unsubscribe at any time. (*Alumni trips are available
to those who have completed the Training program.)
Captcha: Please enter snowcamping All lower case, without quotes

Please Note: In order to pass the training and qualify for future alumni trips you must attend Orientation Day and successfully complete two overnight Snowcamping training trips - a one-night Snowcamping outing and a two-night Snowcamping outing.


Please indicate which group you would like to participate in by placing a "1" by your first choice and a "2" by your second choice, etc. Every effort will be made to place you in your desired group. Remember: to participate in the first trip, you must attend the orientation day on Saturday - January 11, 2025  and to go on the second trip, you must complete the first trip. Due to weather conditions, some trips may be cancelled and rescheduled to the backup trip date. Please make your selections carefully. You must select a first and second choice (unless you are signing up for a youth group ) - If you do not submit a second choice, you may be placed in another group.

Family Group: all participants (including children) must attend the Orientation Day on January 11, 2025 to be eligible for Family trips. There will be a mandatory pack check for children's gear between the orientation and the first trip - this takes about one hour, and will be scheduled at or following the orientation.

Training Series Trips

Choice Group Leaders 1st Trip 2nd Trip Backup Trip
 Full - Waiting List
Sign-ups should not pay until they have been contacted.
Group 1
Chuck Courts
Danielle Henkel
January 25-26
February 22-24
March 15-17
 Full - Waiting List
Sign-ups should not pay until they have been contacted.
Group 2
Jamsheed Wania
Matt La Rocca
February 1-2
February 28-March 2
Feb 8-9 (T1)
March 7-9 (T2)
 Full - Waiting List
Sign-ups should not pay until they have been contacted.
Group 4
Linda Tam
Robert Schuur
February 1-2
February 15-17
March 1-3
March 8-10
 Full - Waiting List
Sign-ups should not pay until they have been contacted.
Group 5
Brian Tavares
Emily Rosenburg
February 1-2
February 22-24
March 8-10
 Full - Waiting List
Sign-ups should not pay until they have been contacted.
Group 6
Tim Surber
Nathan Chan
Sanjay Reddy
February 8-9
February 21-23
Feb 28-March 2
 Full - Waiting List
Sign-ups should not pay until they have been contacted.
Group 7
Lorne Sachs
Haley Ko
February 8-9
February 21-23
March 7-9
 Full - Waiting List
Sign-ups should not pay until they have been contacted.
Jennifer Flattery
Mike Duret
January 25-26
February 15-17
Feb 1-2 (T1)
Feb 22-23 (T2)
Youth 1 (8-13)
Tim Surber
Rak Bhalla
January 25-26
February 15-16
March 8-9
Youth 2 (14-18)
Tim Surber
Rak Bhalla
January 25-26
February 15-16
March 8-9
Waiting List
If you are applying and selecting the Waiting List as your first choice,
please do not pay until you have been accepted into a group.
We will accept applicants as space becomes available.
Please indicate on your application the dates / groups
you are available to join.
Training series only, no alumni trip sign-ups.


1. Do you have any physical or medical conditions that we should be aware of? Yes No
2. Do you have any allergies? Yes No
3. Are you on a special/restricted diet (including vegetarian)? Yes No
4. Are you currently under any medical treatment? Yes No
5. Are you currently taking any medications? Please list below. (for safety purposes only) Yes No
6. Have you ever experienced any cold weather or altitude-related problems? Yes No
If you answered yes to any of the questions, describe below.


Please describe what you are doing for the physical conditioning activities to prepare for taking the Snowcamping Training Series. Feel free to mail in additional pages with your application if necessary.


Remember - all applicants typically should have previous backpacking experience!

Please describe your backpacking and related outdoor experience, including all recent trips, dates, locations, length, and difficulty; if possible, refer to the grading system for knapsack and hiking sections in the Events and Activities section of Yodeler. Please also include any special training you have received (e.g., first aid, rescue, orienteering, mountaineering, snow camping, rock climbing, skiing, or any leadership experience), and briefly describe your reasons for wanting to participate in this series. For Family and Youth Group applications, please rememeber to fill out a separate application for each child, and to submit all related applications at the same time.


Scholarship opportunities are offered for snowcamping students who are experiencing financial hardships. If you have any questions, please reach out to John Sedlander (jsedlander[at] If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, please check the following box to complete the scholarship application: In addition to the scholarship that waives the $145 Snowcamping fee, scholarship students may apply for a stipend of up to $100. Based on the information described above, do you have need of a stipend to cover rideshare, hotel stay, or gear rental? Potential expenses include: Gas for rideshares: $20-$50, Hotel (optional): $60-$100, Snowshoe rental: $18-$35, Other gear rental: $25-$40

Are you interested in being considered for a snowcamping scholarship? Yes No
Are you interested in applying for a stipend? Yes No

If you checked 'yes' above, please write a statement of up to 300 words describing how a scholarship
would benefit you and your interest in pursuing this snowcamping scholarship opportunity:

We look forward to seeing you out in the snow! We will respond to your scholarship application within two to three weeks.


Anything else you would like let us know? When applying for our Waiting List, please indicate dates / groups you are available to join.